Talk to her.. try to settle and then sit silent.
Communication is the only way to settle an argument.
To resolve something, it’s necessary to get yourself a space first.
But, she won’t listen and you are sick.. you also have to reply last. This psychopathy keeps the temperature heated.
And then redemption seems impossible.
Say sorry, admit, it’s your fault. Tight your fists, squeeze your teeth, punch something. Can through something as well.
But everything adds a wood log to the burner.
“All I want is silence.. even for a fraction of a second. I will breathe, I will live my life in that.”
In relationships, the right sides are the communications and the worst sides are the quarrels and fights.
But those are the rare lucky percentage who get in communication and go through.
Considering it as the only method to salvation. Every ‘absent brain’ does that.
A perfect way out from a messed relationship is silence.
Becoming unresponsive seems the only method for saving one’s own life. Getting time to think.
Couple, or one of them, opts it when they really get exhausted with fights.
They know that fighting will make things worse. Only issue is.. the behavior is addicted to the worse. You want to win the argument instead to solve the argument.
It doesn’t bring peace at all. And then you reach the crash level and you become silent.
That’s it. You realize that you tried everything but nothing worked.
And then you realize that everything that was once important, now makes no sense.
It feels like you are present physically but your soul shell is in peace in that place or someplace else.
And you become unresponsive to your partner’s actions and words.
This silence treatment is for yourself. Later it is for anything else.. as like medicine for your relationship.
Have space for yourself first.
Give yourself a silent treatment.
Its necessary to lose when fight is with loved ones. And to win when fight is with oneself.
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