मेरा देश कैसा हो। 

leaders, politics, society, common man, country

..where things have differences, where people preach differently, where different are the ideals and where different are the philosophies.

Difference? … means you and I are not on same ground?
This sounds suffocating.
It, be a concern, do we have to worry? Because how with levels will there be equality?
Somebody is rich, somebody is not. Somebody is highly educated, and somebody is literate.

Somebody is celebrating this, and somebody is celebrating that. Somebody is doing this, and somebody is doing something else.

All this feels uneven and not acceptable.
Because we want equality for everyone. Because that so-called is supposed to be the final achievement of any star society. From decades it’s been the goal of humans for humans.

And for this they still are trying traumatically… because it’s been very long and looks like conditions worsening.

Science says it cannot be created nor be destroyed. It converts from one form to another. But if things are equal, they cannot be stirred to filter out the precipitate and filtrate. One of which is the essential nectar of forwardness to higher levels… in short, necessary for the evolution and development of society.

If we always have enough to eat every taste, will food of all tastes be of any consideration? Theoretically, inequality is necessary.
And beyond that what if only particular forms are livable. Means when things change from one form to another, we humans only select suitable forms to live and resist the one which is converting into.

On one side, we seek equality and on another we always want to be on top, compared to something which is lower and not livable.
Have to understand that how will new taste be discovered if we have nothing lower or higher to compare to.

Inequality is necessary.

Growth is big in eyes. And then the lords of society vow for equal opportunities of growth for every individual.
Again, comes an ‘equal’. If you give grass to a cow and a woman, who can milk? If you give flour to both, who can bake?

It must be understood that individuals are not equal, opportunities are not equal, outcomes are not equal.

Everything is different, it must be.
Because then only match will become which is needed for the good growth for group of people.

Trimming and adjusting everyone to make them equal is not what governors of society run for. Instead, they must try to culture environment of more and more matching.
That is what nature dose where all the sperms are equal; nature makes them and the eggs and conditions the environment for them to swim and fertilize.
One of them fertilizes.
On the name of equality, imagine, every egg or every sperm given to fertilize with a sperm or with an egg.

So why politicians are so dumb.

Don’t know whether they are dumb. But they are not good people.
They are extremely, extremely greedy.

Society is actually unequal, and constantly agitating. These greedy politicians’ blinds and instead pictures that nothing is to worry about… they have handled all. So that they can enjoy the butter coming out of that churn without catching any individual’s eye. Here individuals are whose chi are being pondered in jar of society by politicians, leaders and religious gurus.

There is one more secret ingredient in this equation… hidden and is the boss of all. One whose hands are kissed by mentioned every above. One who generates and keeps the illusion of whole consumerism. They are the big business houses.

— one who owns money
— money that is printed by government
— government that is ruled by politicians
— politicians that are driven by these business houses
— business houses who are selling their products to individuals
— individuals who buys every nonessential and necessary thing on extravagantly higher price
— out of his limited earning and extremely limited brain
— that he gets as salary by working in factories of these business houses

These fabricators of consumerism are not in direct conflict. Infect a part of them cleverly promote buying more of their factory’s productions.

But politicians are the real blood suckers… appointed by business brands. This cycle runs in such a manner that politicians make a person’s life a living hell. And he searches for salvation in the product lifestyle offered by these factory owners. In return, politicians maintain their positions through the support of business lobbies.

Social norms and, to some extent, religion, instill the importance of consuming every useless product into the ‘well-conscious’ but ‘socially dead’ minds of individuals. This is done silently by the propaganda departments of these factory franchises, aided by smart advertising. The process usually involves two steps: first, financial mapping, and then brainwashing. Individuals then perceive these thoughts as their own.
On them it usually is in two steps, first their financial mapping and brainwashing after. Their senses acknowledge this as their own prodigy thoughts.

So now the cycle runs like this.
Businessman wants to be rich by owning ‘liquidity flow’ of all the money present on the planet.
They make something to be purchased. But they sell it by smoking propaganda with twisted facts of some research of better lifestyle and via 100% marketing.

As these researches are secretly funded, they also bribe politicians and system, use religion, citating reference from past times (books to prove such, are nowhere found) … to
— levy taxes,
— follow sub-dimensional laws,
— a social compulsion to be educated and marry,
— own a balance in bank and property,
— do a job and stay away from additions and experimentation in life.

— have kids, grow and wove them in same.
— stay away from helping other’s life because a XYZ government department is there
— and live inside physical and imposed boundaries.


Dictator: when a businessman owns military and forces.
Politician: puppets guided by their employers’ expressions, with finger on nuke button. Businessmen are he employers.
Religious gurus: ‘go with the flow’ kind of individuals.
Businessman: who avoids blame but thrives on exploiting the soulless lives of consumers.
Democracy, dictatorship, communism, republicans-democrats, liberals, east-west … whatever it is, it is a way to f@#k, suck, eat the man of society for free. This and everything is all crap.

One is walking in tshirt, one orating on podium. One is crying as in a reality drama, another is on wheelchair and bandage on head. One is always waving, and another is always in ‘purchased and scripted’ news.

A big force of their stupid and greedy small-fries, ready to butcher anyone in the most horrific way on the queue of their lords. Why? So that they someday can enjoy what they are seeing in their bosses’ secret rooms.

These creeds of cannibals enjoy seeing all their blinded followers fight for bones thrown on them. Next on throne are already decided, which will be via wildcard entry out of ruling politician’s families. You know ‘familialism’ from big screen industry, that is more vogue in politics.
Summary; without paying anything, everyone wants to become this to enjoy fullest of ‘maya’ and ‘Kalyug’ while being the most useless being from their birth till this.

All the blood sucking demons are in the pot. So, the fight will be for blood in the blood.

And mercantilists enjoy as emperors and concoctors of this bloody reality show. Politicians are mere puppets infused in their own greedy lust of power, money and sex. They are actually ‘asurs’, which they know they are and to keep their existence they keep challenging wrong and bad to their bottoms.

Interestingly the top ranked politicians on the map are hardly even educated compared to what they can alter via their decisions. For them politics is merely a means to fulfil their dripping avarice. They don’t have souls, and they keep on sucking blood of everyone now and then.

Somehow, maybe because of deficiency of life in lives of some old day’s guys, who lived slavery and misery of colonization, who lived through pain of partitions from father, mother, families, places, their identity, even from their own existence, who saw irrefutable bullets ingesting lives. Who have seen suffering more than a soul can stand… stood against all odds to try to protect the remains of people, manners, beliefs of their life and what remains of their values and culture.

Those were leaders, seeds of now politicians. They themselves had seen so much suffering and with fear of not seeing any more, they attempted to save some from the disaster.


Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Veer Chandr Shekhar Azad, Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri ji, Mahatma Gandhi.

Prithviraj Chauhan, Guru Nanak Dev ji, Maharana Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Rani Lakshmi Bai

Tulsidas ji, Shri Valmiki ji, Shri Ved Vyasa ji

They thought of mankind. All are either sufferers or enlightened ones who thought and fought for preserving humanity. People look towards them, their teaching, the path their actions showed to everyone.

All who are in right ‘now’, draw hopes for their tomorrow from a convoluted salience flow. Unproven, Unexplainable, unknown… the Divine, The God, Bhagwaan ji.

Bhagwaan ji is the source of patience. As patience deepens, will gets stronger. But the person; who is everyone, hasn’t seen Bhagwaan ji. But he has seen and heard leaders and enlightened ones and see Bhagwana ji in incessant efforts of these leaders and stories of their lives.

The thing with books is that they must be read. Educated ones can get to the light through the pages. But there are lots of languages, lots of beliefs, lots of types. They are all different.

A leader is beyond boundaries of any type, or any type of variations. It only asks to be seen, heard and followed. A leader’s address gives birth to listeners. A group is born, a group of listeners. A group with unified consciousness, which agrees to move for a common cause. A cause for betterment of everyone. Collectively they can be bigger and systematically can be a community and in bigger sense, can become a country.

मेरा देश ऐसा हो ..

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