A right and a wrong

Right and wrong is for us.

As for nature ‘the creator,’ everything is only right. He knows whatever choice we make; it will take us to him ultimately.

By doing right things, we will be given more situations to solve.
And by doing wrong, we will be given more chances to become right.
This is to serve the purpose of our lives.

So how to decide between right and wrong and serve the right purpose of our life.

The thing is you are always being watched by nature. Outside, with everyone – inside; within yourselves.
Confidence that ‘nobody is hearing our thoughts’ may be is a something that we do not know. For example, I sing in bathroom or maybe had shouted in anger inside me on a disliked situation.

Knowing that I was alone and what I thought and had done… is not in knowledge by anyone.

But it is not true. Our action and our thoughts are stamped on time… on that moment of time.

Somebody knows it or not… does not matter.

Matter is that we are on a journey from birth to death.
This body is our ship, and our doings is the steering of our ship. It is definite that we travel only in the direction of flow of life. But how we do, how we behave will settle a smooth ride or a bumpy one.

How… because when we do right, circle gets a sense of completeness.
It triggers two things; first we e gets new task, new thing in life and second; a definite reply from nature of our recent good deeds, who is seeing us every time. Reply will take its own time. Nature’s formula 😊

But if we do wrong, we will be given another good chance to do it in the right way. So, we keep on receiving chances. This phase is known as luck. Because we feel lucky when we get another chance to do the same thing or get a new opportunity in life.

And somehow if this was our final offer by nature, then we will see the end as the next thing coming to us. This will hit as a bump to our journey. And former as a smooth effort less current so sail.

But still this long is not the explanation about what would be the simple method to choose between right and wrong.

So as for nature there is no right and wrong and there is the same smile on her with whatever we choose. That means, what all sounds we hear as a lalsa (longing) and lalach (solicitation) are the voice of wrong.

And whatever greed-full or hatred-full thoughts we are getting in our mind, convincing us to make a particular choice, that more likely is a wrong one.

Looks like a simple formula. Whatever our inside desires talk to us in low and cute voice or in desperate and aggressively voice and which that looks like a lot of enjoyment even before the outcome of that choice… that choice is wrong.

And funny thing is our interests always lope to wrong things. They are subjective. We desire tasty flavors, tempting colors around us and on us. We desire to look distinct among commons and for this we want our presence to be bright and big, in one word… unique.

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