Meditation to Equilibrium

Equilibrium seems like an easy state because not much is going on under. That is how and only then equilibrium is achieved.

Though the important thing is that it is not empty.

It comes after ‘time’, ‘living’, ‘going through’ and maybe ‘suffering’ that had happened in the past. And above that, with the gem of some knowledge and lots of experience, diligent walking away from hotchpotch and towards nonalignment with any of the earthly and wavy emotions will lead to nirvan or in this towards ‘equilibrium’.

It is so big that it doesn’t fit in with a general mindset. Interestingly nobody cares. To those who are involved in all types of materialistic pleasures and worries and duties, this seems as small as a pinhead. And often heave ‘ahh! it’s easy…, can achieve anytime we want’.

True for them. Fortunately, equilibrium being ‘as small as a pin head’ is true. A thing that makes us inert from our earthly achievements and takes us above all… so on top that we balance ourselves between our eyes, is really a dot small thing.

This simple, small and perfectly inert state is really tough to gain in a lifetime. It’s being said that the amount of atrocities we are doing with others, surrounding and with ourselves pushes us so far behind that in order to balance we have to continue focusing between our eyes in the next life and the life after. Maybe then we can be aware of our journey’s direction. That’s another math for another time but right now we are on the topic of diminishing lines between focus and non-focus state.

So, we have to walk towards equilibrium by unburdening every ounce from ourselves. Means we have to do something to achieve this very ordinary state. Doing something sounds like a process. It smells of conflict. Visibly we are living for and with all physical things and on another side, at equilibrium we have to leave every of that.

So, it’s a conflict… we cannot follow the ‘process of leaving everything’ while being inside this maze of desires and duties.

So, we simply pray, align our hands in front of a material figure casted straight out human thoughts. I wonder, we never have seen any God in a party dress with a wine glass in hand because they all have shapes opposite of our guilt and feared thoughts. The more we feel guilty, and fear being put in hell, the more we make our Gods beautiful, and worship place a pleasant area. Well, we were on the subject of ‘praying’. Praying to give us strength to focus on singularity while being in a materialistic world.

Meditation is a way to that singularity. This comes with a ‘nobody can achieve it’ tag. Because everyone wants to meditate but nobody wants to shred their gold Rolex and tastes from tip of their tongue.
But what can be done, we ourselves are composed of plural materials and we are pushed to eat to settle our hunger. We are forced to breathe oxygenated air to live the next moment.
As our hunger and desperation to breathe is so… so is our desire of curiosity and to peek in the non-allowed region, and it is where all starts. Because we extend our arms in the ‘no go area’. Anything which is additional over necessary is ‘maya’. It is like having sex with a zombie. You cannot control yourself from wanting it more and so you will be eaten more… until you become part of it. Eventually stuck in that sticky world of pleasures and surplus of everything. We forget about the breath we take in, instead worry about the balance in our pockets and joys we can fetch with that sum. 

It is so, so much now that we started considering maya some supreme power. We even have social customs in this relevance and started bowing to them as if they are necessary rules. Marry rich, education rich, carrier rich, eat rich, drink rich, live rich, fuck rich, ride rich, party rich, pray rich, showoff rich and even die rich.

Money, power, addictions, sex these all-unnecessary elements are hard infused in us and our worry about our presentation in the eyes of all others glues it more.

Our blood and bone structure itself is a countdown of its self-destruction. We breathe, we burn food in the gut and gain energy. In parallel that same breath burns us, and we get old, rusty, nonfunctional and decomposing. So, sprawling on pleasures of maya fits for this slowly decaying body. This obliterates any other branch which any religion and or spiritual guru ponders suffices for a human birth and life.

…why pause. Continue it from the gain of consciousness and till death. Have food and sex till the end, nonstop.

But the truth is, after every party, we want to sleep, after every dress up, we want to throw everything and get in loose, after every light show, we want in dim to dark.

Reading the above line again and one time more is enough to recall that it is not how we are designed.

Every shuteye tries to remind us that the body is only a vessel. We cut off from everything, forget everything, go zero every 24 hours in our sleep. Not only is the breath a necessary regularity but sleep is also. Really… is regular party more important or sleep. We know the answer.

A feature of regularity is peace between heigh. As our heart, it contracts and relaxes, as inhaling air and relaxing to release, as our sleep nights between days.

Its equilibrium, like a pendulum dose. Like day and night, like earth does every 365 days and again starts from a 0. Might the Sun have its own count before every zero, we don’t know. We don’t know after every death, there is a zero. What if night is like a death and sunrise is like a birth. What if we are only overreacting on death because of our ignorance. We don’t know what we are and become in our sleep, similarly we don’t know what we are and become on dying and after that. We know, we sleep and wake up after. We must know what we become on dying and what comes after.

Have to find that equilibrium, have to meditate before our 24 hours gets over. Baki to sab Bhagwaan ji jaane.

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