
Man wants things to be done automatically around him.
But equivalently he wants a leader who is hardworking, dedicated, and brilliant in everything. He, who works 24X7 for their wellbeing and protects them throughout their life.

One who mimics these characteristics well, is accepted by commons.
Maybe people in China like Indians.

But with a strong urge to be protected under a thick hypothetical blanket, they heil Mr. Xi Jinping. And maybe he also is an OK guy.

But professionally being a leader, he has to be one and stay in that avatar 24X7 and throughout his life.
Maybe that is why, the speaker face of Sh. Narendra Modi is widely accepted by the commons in India.

Everyone wants cherry and pineapples of the cake, specifically when in a crowd. Notice this, one will not crave for that same cherry and pineapple when he is all by himself. Nobody candle marches in his room or dedicates a minute silence by himself. He does all these, when among people. It is nature. Whether it is sad or joy, man wants utmost attention for self without doing any effort.
Even when a person is alone, he keeps talking to himself, being in a dreamworld with too many people around where he is joying as hero. If he is sad, he pictures himself as the center of sympathy. Whether joy or sadness but in the center… in the crowd of people. I wonder if somebody daydreams of himself alone on stage or as a backstage dancer while somebody else is a hero.

So, one part we understood about being in center and all arrangements must be effortless.

As he takes birth with hands and legs, eyes, and rest of all the accessories, he expects this environment to grow forever for him by default.
So, who is going to work hard for the air around? A human does not want to work hard for himself. His baby might will not stand by himself as other living beings stand up, learn to feed, learn to survive, learn relationships, and learn to live their life. They do not have language or enough brains or God and knowledge of wheel or quantum. But they know how to be happy. They do not drag their living in chaos that they need mediation or any ecstasy.

On the other hand, humans have all these aids and much more… and above all, he developed the social system to evolve him to the next level. His appetite is getting hungrier and hungrier with time. All the tech inventions, making life easy is an example of that.

Humans are God’s blessed species on Earth. He thinks… and in time he is getting all those things. Who knows, dolphin may also manifest a Lamborghini for herself but after million years of evolution, she is flipping flaps.

It has a good side though, as humans are helped to stand up, to eat and assistances beyond, he can think and sync with further and with evolution. Whereas a newborn of any other species…  on all grounds, might put its 90% to conquer survival.

So, it is good to save some from that 90 for beyond things, by being helped from smart parenting and good technology. Thats how humans went beyond flapping their paddles and wings, instead have their Lamborghinis.

So, he is lazy but its side impacts, ‘technology products’ and ‘space to think for space’ are good.

But his roots are drying up.

Babies will also be born… produced in an artificial womb, relieving the pain of labor pain.

I believe we are going to space; we might need less of roots. By saving our genome in test tubes, we focus on the infinite spreading of our grains in universe. We are going to the next level and there… technology is needed more than basic hunting and surviving skills. So maybe it’s OK if we are missing to learn working hard as our ancestors did because technology will bring us a glass of water whenever and wherever we want and make our life easily livable.

…worry is, in all this ‘making life livable’, we might forget ‘pain’ itself. Our continuously working brains and tech… on and on is so high that moving our finger will be considered as something hard. I wonder how gyms of that time will be or we might not need any gym at all then.

That is funny and that is in-fact thinkable.

So, we might not need to plow the field because tech will grow some readymade, nutritious, germ free food in labs and bring directly to us when Siri analyses our gut is empty enough and pour some right quantity into it. Our earth and space borders will definitely be guarded by unimaginable types of drones and lethal security systems. AI’s decisions might be considered better to attack nuclear on space debris and other risks. There may be no medical stores or hospitals even, as we might have a universal incubator in-house, connected and controlled by AI, who have our and our generation’s gene history along with data of what we eat and where we are engaged in recent times. Who knows, we might clone our self’s neurons in a capable shell to be our personal Alfrid.

And the time earned from all pregnancies, time wasted on eating and sleeping, and traveling will be utilized to go beyond in space and science exploration. To find surprises and new things in outer space and within our body. Second, we will tally possibilities of inhabiting those new within us and watch what new gonna happen to us with that amalgamation.

This all looks like future; our dreams would dream of. But we cannot bear laziness of thoughts and emotions and social segregation. This might take us far away from our humanness. Because when artificial stimulus, chemical triggering and direct hormones intake will keep us complete all the time so that we can concentrate our focus, we might not need relations.

How desperate we are for leaders right now, might not be needed then because we will not fear. I mean, in 2018 itself, role of God is in doubt with opinion that “the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing, according to the laws of science” Stephen Hawking wrote. “If you accept, as I do, that the laws of nature are fixed, then it doesn’t take long to ask: What role is there for God?”. Neil deGrasse is predicting a universal vaccine for absolutely every disease by 2050. Carbon neutralization, hydrogen fuel cells, electric drive and other uni-component methods are not only producing silence with multi fold efficiency and output, but also started eating undecomposable waste by humans in their evolution into diamonds and manure.

So, the remains of the equation are ’emotions’ and ‘relations’. The sense of being with someone of our own kind will be pityly seconded by being someone new and maybe ‘with something new’. We can see those waves in the current era. We aways ledge on extreme sides of pleasure and peace. Either G strings on G genders in multimillion dollar customized jet, gained from some trillion-dollar unicorn concept with stakes of fried spiders, inedible delicacies and transparent colory spoiled cocktails.
Or countering in snow, on reserve food to get rid of all sins done in life… by mediations and self-enlightenment practices. Current trends follow to first shave genitals to enjoy and later shave heads to confess and surrender.

But nobody remembers life’s normal. We think what we are doing is normal in life. Expensive grooming hairs once and bearing lice in beard in another phase by one person, in same life is normal. This example is in so much abundance that current society is standing on this.

So, it looks like man is shrewishly hungry, lazy, and fearful. But somehow his graph is penetrating the skies… so high that he is seeing to sit there. And his social transformation is becoming a cocoon with all his intelligence and man-made things, that will give him a grand virtual and physical Matrix life.

Right now, he has some dependencies, desires, and fear that he can’t counter alone. For which he is developing methods with technologies and preparing himself for some compromises.

He will not fear, so no leader and protection will be required.
He will not be hungry, so no butler will be required.
He will not fall sick, so no medication will be required.
He will live for decades, so no kids.
He will not need kids, so no pregnancies, deliveries, and parenting.
He will use chemical and neural stimulus to counter sadness and fear and to become happy and for pleasure, so no relationships.
He will use some better high-speed neuro-technical method to amass knowledge in his brain and retrieve it as per need, so no formal education system.

Am I making a backdrop for a science-thriller story? No, disrespect and untrust is reality of now. Originally it was not among the foundation of society. We are still taught to be honest, caring, and humble to all creations of nature. But everyone becomes cunning ulteriorly, noticeable, or bluntly and so-called ideal society idealized it so much that no one really help an accidental man on road or in life. Only until one sees some portion for himself, a fruit, direct or indirect leverage or in form of good deeds to get relived from sins he made in past… in eyes of God.

As all these are real, so do predictions of where we are going.

Am I being negative? No, we know corruption is wrong but look how fluent bribe takers and giver are that it become so part of life and comes guilty free and now. So as surrogacy, originally a medical miracle for unfortunates’ ones but now is trend to maintain body and socio-corporate figure. Leaving kids on steps of foster homes are so acceptable that these houses get government and social aids. They are giving lifelong sunrises, elfish moon dance in clouds and rains to whom who might could have breath his or her last in couple of hours. But in a big picture they are scavenging social mischief where babies are left because they are outcome of some ‘got carried away’ situation or a female child is left only because a cast considered them below zero, a weight and consider only boys that carries the gene of clan. Other than help, they are cleaning sins of society as equivalent as brothels. Adds of casinos, tobacco and liquors are open. There is 70% existence of porn on internet where people with cloths watch people necked. Will those come up as adds openly. Looks like yes and society will still be standing.

Is it bad? No, it happens always. Beauty gets old, so do trends. They get replaced by new ones and then repeated in cycles with some variations. And in hundreds and hundreds of years, those small variations carry the societies and civilization to brink of either ‘split’ or ‘lost in time’.

Man is looking forward to colonizing other planets with all the science advancement and bio-technical cures. He is proud on his Bugatti, Pagani and Rolls Royce, his gold and his cool.

But existence of man in this universe is smaller than existence of an electron of any of his cell, in his body.

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