Toddler’s understanding; Quantum Computing.

It’s not Quantum or computing, it’s simple and interesting.

There is always room to know more, isn’t it. Lets add 3 more to that.

  • superposition (quantum states)
  • entanglement
  • interference

Read it and in end your imagination will turn from text to poetry 🙂

Let’s begin.
How noise cancellation in mobiles and headphones work?
Mic records your voice, we all know.
But mic also catches sounds of the surroundings and produces opposite waves.
Simultaneously it keeps on canceling them out, to give interruption-free sound.
The smooth sound coming in your headphones have the same secret.

More explanation: Imagine a bucket filled with water and pebbles. And another bucket with the same height/ amount of water only.
Throwing the content of both buckets on each other will result in a splash of water. But pebbles will land on the opposite side from their source bucket.
These pebbles represent a clear sound that you hear.
But our interest is in the splash, of course, that is fun 😀

This phenomena on the other side of fun is interference. Simple, it creates calculated interference against input (make a copy of sounds that it gets) and cancels them with original input sounds.

Now on simple grounds, there are two types of interference.
Constructive interference and De-constructive interference.

Constructive interference add up amplitude and creates a higher level of whatever is running.
De-constructive interference minuses the wavelengths and remains of which, given as output.
Both have their own implementations in this.

Second interesting term to know here:
Two twisted things become tangled in themselves. Separate them and they become untangled or independent.
But as per fairy-tail world of Quantum computing, those two objects stay connected even after separation. Love actually 🙂
And to the surprise, they both do exactly the same in a situation, no matter how distant they are from one other. Distant like one on Earth and another on the Moon.
This love is called ‘quantum entanglement’ 🙂.
And that common situation is superposition, which is the third thing to remember.
A perfectly synced positions is called ‘superposition’.
Superpositions are the states in which two un-tangled objects behave as alike.

So here is a simple definition of Quantum Computing: Achieving superposition in un-tangled objects by creating interference is Quantum Computing.
..what ..funs gone? Common!! use that concept into movies and you will get a hit like Inception.

..yeah right, we don’t understand without real life applications..
So here is one and rather interesting one. You can enter in a box and press a button and will be at another corner of the room, world, or maybe a galaxy. Now it is interesting?

A person will not transmit to another place. Your real ‘you’ will be at your original place but at another place, you will be able to feel as real as if you are really there.
It’s only an example to make you understand.

Our existing computers work on 0s and 1s. These combinations generate fixed value in our traditional computing system.
But in Quantum computing, a 0 could be 0 and 1 at the same time. And similarly, a 1 could be 1 and 0 at the same time.
This ‘same time’ is ‘superposition’ you read above.
Like in a spinning coin. The coin while spinning is in state of both heads and tales at that time.
That 0 has to be properly un-tangled with another 0 (object or one spinning coin from another spinning coin).
In a superposition, they will behave the same.. irrespective of distance between them.

So where we reach with quantum computing above traditional computing?
Here, for example, there is a maze with two openings. Had to enter from one to find the way out.
Traditional computing works in series. It will travel in one direction up-till it finds a dead end. Save that move/ path so it wont go that way again and proceed to another direction. Current system will repeat till it finds the way out.
Speed: the only thing is it computes in trillions bytes per sec or even at a much higher speed.

But its a sequence. Whereas new genius guy i.e. quantum computing, will go in that maze all at once. It will spread objects in all the dead end of the maze at once.
And simply wave from where the opening is. As because all objects are un-tangled in superposition, logically they are one and that one will instantaneously know where the gate for out is. Constructive interference signals leads towards right answer super-positions and de-constructive interference signals cancels the wrong answer super-positions.

So what this object is?
Object is Quanta. I believe this drives the million dollar name Quantum Computing.
Again, realistically what Quanta is?
It’s a bit or chip. They produce in control environment, supercooled, and on some hi-fi science platform (I still have to explore).

For example, binary 0100 0001 is A and 0100 0010 is B.
By creating calculated interference we can achieve a superposition in which both become either 0100 0001 or 0100 0010.
Means 2 un-tangled quantum bits can be A and B at the same superposition state. Fun is one quantum bits is on Earth and another on Moon with no connectivity at all.
Still, they will behave as twins 🙂

So if you want to decide what view is better, you don’t have to be on Earth first to check the Moon view and than travel to Moon to check Earth view.
Amazing is, you can check both at the same time. Right now it’s unimaginable as we haven’t seen any such thing.
But a day will witness all the possible fail in simulation of engineering or in chemical reactions or in disease research.. will list in one sec. And a 100% cure can be discovered of Covid 19 like virus or Cancer or way to survive on Mars and infinite answers to unanswered questions and possible question that will come to human for advancing itself into a disease free, multi-planetary species, who might use asteroids a boats to sail and explore the universe and discover and save every species on our planet and on other planets as well.

This quantum computing itself serves only as a bit in human’s voyage to be a gentleman for himself and for all life’s ecosystem.

Quantum computing is right now aligning with Chemistry mainly because ions, atoms and molecules are coming under aura of current science human knows.
Some day or with time, humans can master things way beyond matter, objects and space and may be time. How quantum computing will affect them and what implementations of it can be useful for human life betterment.

A general human doesn’t get impressed with what science do by working day and night until some outcome of it helps him in living his life easier.
Microwave were invented in black and white times, in Mr. Nikola Tesla’s time. But it gets popular only when humans got mobile phones in hands and microwave ovens in their kitchens.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Mayt

    What an insightful article! Your ability to break down complex topics into easily understandable points is truly commendable. I appreciate the thorough research and the engaging writing style that keeps readers hooked from start to finish. For anyone who found this piece as fascinating as I did and is eager to dive deeper into related subjects, I highly recommend visiting This site offers a wealth of additional information and resources that perfectly complement the themes discussed here. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and providing such valuable content. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future!

    1. serenei

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m thrilled to hear that you found the article insightful and engaging. Your appreciation for the thorough research and writing style means a lot to me. I’m also glad you found the additional resources helpful. Your support and encouragement motivate me to continue sharing valuable content. Looking forward to bringing you more interesting reads in the future! 😊

  2. Maggiet

    This article offers a fascinating perspective on the subject. The depth of research and clarity in presentation make it a valuable read for anyone interested in this topic. It’s refreshing to see such well-articulated insights that not only inform but also provoke thoughtful discussion. I particularly appreciated the way the author connected various aspects to provide a comprehensive understanding. It’s clear that a lot of effort went into compiling this piece, and it certainly pays off. Looking forward to reading more from this author and hearing other readers’ thoughts. Keep up the excellent work!

    1. serenei

      Thank you so much, Maggiet, for your thoughtful and encouraging comment! I’m delighted to hear that you found the article both informative and engaging. Your appreciation for the depth of research and clarity in presentation is truly motivating. It’s wonderful to know that the connections made within the piece resonated with you. I look forward to sharing more insights and sparking further discussions in the future. Thanks again for your support and kind words! 😊

  3. Aqua Warriort

    Fantastic article! I appreciate how clearly you explained the topic. Your insights are both informative and thought-provoking. I’m curious about your thoughts on the future implications of this. How do you see this evolving over time? Looking forward to more discussions and perspectives from others. Thanks for sharing!

    1. serenei

      Thank you so much, Aqua Warriort, for your fantastic feedback! I’m glad to hear that you found the article clear and thought-provoking. Your curiosity about the future implications is intriguing, and it’s a topic I’m excited to explore further. I’ll definitely consider diving into this in future articles. Looking forward to more engaging discussions and perspectives from readers like you. Thanks again for your support and thoughtful questions! 😊

  4. Emmat

    Great article! I appreciate the clear and insightful perspective you’ve shared. It’s fascinating to see how this topic is developing. For those interested in diving deeper, I found an excellent resource that expands on these ideas: check it out here. Looking forward to hearing others’ thoughts and continuing the discussion!

    1. serenei

      Thank you, Emmat, for your kind words and for sharing an additional resource! I’m glad you found the article clear and insightful. It’s always exciting to see how these topics evolve and spark further discussion. I appreciate your contribution to the conversation and look forward to hearing more thoughts from other readers as well. Thanks again for your support and for helping to expand the dialogue! 😊

  5. Jennifert

    I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. The author’s arguments were well-reasoned and presented clearly. It would be great to discuss this further. What are your views?

    1. serenei

      Thank you, Jennifert, for your thoughtful comment! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the article and found the arguments well-reasoned and clear. I’d love to discuss this topic further and hear more about your perspectives. Engaging in such discussions is always enriching and helps deepen our understanding. Looking forward to more insightful conversations with you and other readers. Thanks again for your support and interest! 😊

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